Disc Plough

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Dec,31, 2024

. The disc plough is designed to work in all types of soil for basic functions such as soil breaking, soil raising, soil turning and soil mixing. 2. It is used to open the new fields and to process the stony areas. 3. It can be used easily at rocky and rooted areas. 4. It is especially useful in hard and dry trashy land conditions and in soils where scouring is a major problem. 5. In conformity with the soil conditions it is being produced with 2-3 and 4 bottoms version with an option for extra kit for converting it to extra-bottom plough. 6. It is directly mounted to the tractors. 7. Extra heavy-duty pipe frame has high clearance allowing the plough to operate under heavy crop residu

Company Profile

Brohawk Group is a value driven organization in its entire business operations. The business attributes that leads the organization strongly in global markets are: Exclusive Supply Options - our years of experience has sharpen our skills to provide unmatched product supply options. Strict Quality Standards - we maintain the highest standards of quality, which is quite reflected from our patronage.