Photo-Selective Bionet® net protect the crop in two ways, one by the size of the hole that is smaller than the insects and the second way is optic, the net have special additives that block some of the light in specific wave length that cause the insects that penetrate to the structure to have less orientation in the field and they don't get to the crop and die. Photo-Selective Bionet® net protects the crop against Whitefly, leaf miner, Aphids, Thrips, mite and more insects. Thanks to this net the grower can have more yield and better quality from his crop, with much less spraying chemicals. This net can be used in all stable structures in vegetables, herbs and flowers. Mainly used in Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper, Chive, Basil and more crops. The Photo-Selective Bionet® is worldwide patent and a breakthrough innovation in agriculture in Israel and worldwide.